Voice Clipper: Capture Twitch Clips with Voice Commands!
Dan Goodman
November 20, 2022
We are happy to announce the release of Voice Clipper. A tool that allows you to capture twitch clips using voice commands while streaming!
One of the hardest parts about content creation is going back through your VODs and finding those perfect moments that would be amazing for TikTok or Youtube and it’s always great when you are able to capture the clip right after the moment or have chat capture it for you!
Unfortunately, that doesn't always work, sometimes you can’t click clip fast enough, you are mid-play, or chat just didn't snag the moment.Type image caption here (optional).
This is where Voice Clipper excels, it runs in the background on a browser and just waits for you to say, ‘twitch record that’ and then bam clip is made. No stopping play.
No relying on others. Just quick easy clips that save you time and help you grow. The tools is 100% free and is definitely worth checking out!
If you want to give us feedback on Voice Clipper be sure to hit us up on twitter!